We are open
Visitors welcome
on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Friday
of every month
between 6pm and 9pm
Find us at
2 Station St, Katoomba
Blue Mountains Safe Space for Suicide Prevention Inc. is a registered charity and a community-based service.
We are here to support people who are experiencing emotional or suicidal distress.
We are led by volunteers who have a lived experience of suicide.
Our mission is to prevent suicide.
You can support our cause by choosing to donate

We are open
Visitors welcome
on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Friday
of every month
between 6pm and 9pm
Find us at
2 Station St, Katoomba
Blue Mountains Safe Space for Suicide Prevention Inc.
is a registered charity and a community-based service.
We are here to support people
who are experiencing emotional or suicidal distress.
We are led by volunteers who have
a lived experience of suicide.
Our mission is to prevent suicide.
You can support our cause
by choosing to donate
We are open
Visitors welcome
on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Friday
of every month
between 6pm and 9pm
Find us at
2 Station St, Katoomba
Blue Mountains Safe Space
for Suicide Prevention Inc.
is a registered charity
and a community-based service.
We are here to support people
who are experiencing
emotional or suicidal distress.
We are led by volunteers who have
a lived experience of suicide.
Our mission is to prevent suicide.
You can support our cause
by choosing to donate
National Support Lines
- Talking and reading about suicide can raise all sorts of feelings. If the content of this website raises strong emotions for you and you’d like to speak with someone, here are some places you can contact for support.
Suicide Callback Service
Lifeline: 13 11 14 | lifeline.org.au
Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 |
Peer CARE Companion Warmline: 1800 777 337
Beyond Blue: 1300 24 636 | beyondblue.org.au
QLife: 1800 184 527 | qlife.org.au
Open Arms: 1800 011 046 | openarms.gov.au
Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800 | kidshelpline.com.au
Headspace: 1800 650 890 | headspace.org.au
ReachOut: au.reachout.com
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
13YARN: 13 92 76 | 13yarn.org.au
Get in Touch. Get Involved.